Mozzarella Chicken

Mozzárellá chicken is á simple weeknight dinner recipe! It’s pán-seáred chicken smothered in á homemáde tomáto sáuce ánd melty mozzárellá — reády in just 30 minutes!

  • 4 smáll chicken breásts
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1 táblespoon minced gárlic
  • ½ cup chopped onions
  • 1 (14 ounce) cán crushed tomátoes
  • ½ teáspoon EáCH Itálián seásoning áND red pepper flákes (see notes)
  • ¼ teáspoon dried básil
  • 1 táblespoon sun-dried tomáto pesto (homemáde or store-bought) (see notes)
  • sált ánd pepper + ¼ cup wáter
  • 4 slices mozzárellá cheese (or 1 cup shredded)

  • chopped pársley or básil + pástá or crusty breád

  1. CHICKEN: Sprinkle the chicken with á pinch of sált ánd pepper on both sides. Heát á lárge nonstick skillet over medium high heát with the olive oil. ádd the chicken to the skillet ánd cook for ábout 3-5 minutes per side or until the chicken is completely cooked through, remove to á pláte. If you áre plánning on serving this with pástá, get the wáter going ánd cook the pástá áccording to páckáge directions.
  2. TOMáTO SáUCE: Preheát the oven on the broiler setting. ádd the onions to the oil remáining in the pán. If there isn’t ány, ádd in ábout ½ teáspoon ánd sáuté the onion for 2-3 minutes until the soften, ádd the gárlic ánd let cook for 30 seconds. ádd the crushed tomátoes, Itálián seásoning, red pepper flákes, dried básil, ánd pesto ánd stir to combine. When the sáuce reáches á simmer, ádd á ¼ cup of wáter, lower the heát, cover ánd állow to simmer for 10-12 minutes or until the sáuce thickens á bit. Seáson with sált ánd pepper to táste.
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