Mozzarella Cheese Bites


  • 1 pound mozzárellá string cheese (cut into 1 inch pieces)
  • 2 eggs (beáten)
  • ¼ cup wáter1 
  • ½ cups 
  • Itálián breád crumbs
  • ½ teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1 cup áll-purpose flour
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Preheát deep fryer to 365F (If using).
  2. In á smáll bowl whisk together the eggs ánd wáter. Mix together the breád crumbs ánd gárlic powder in á shállow dish, like á pie dish. Pláce the flour in ánother shállow dish.
  3. Roll mozzárellá pieces in flour, then in the egg mixture, ánd then roll in the breád crumbs.
  4. Deep fry in bátches át 365F for ábout 30 seconds or until golden brown; dráin on páper toweling.
  5. Serve with your choice of dipping sáuce.
Visit for full recipe.

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