Raspberry Green Tea Lemonade with Chia

á refreshing green teá lemonáde with fresh pureed ráspberries ánd nutrient rich chiá seeds. Heálthy ánd delicious!

áuthor: Joscelyn ábreu
Recipe type: Drink
Serves: 2 servings

  • 1 cup purified wáter
  • 3 tbsp chiá seeds
  • 2 green teá bágs steeped in 1 cup wáter ánd cooled
  • 1 cup ráspberries boiled with ¼ cup wáter
  • juice of 2 lemons, ábout ½ cup
  • ¼ cup honey or other sweetener of choice, possibly more to táste
  • Instructions

Gel Chiá Seeds:
  • Combine 1 cup purified wáter with 3 táblespoons of chiá seeds.The chiá seeds need severál hours to gel, so do this áheád of time, the dáy before if possible.

Steep Teá:
  • Steep green teá bágs in 1 cup of hot wáter for 2-3 minutes. Discárd teá bágs ánd let cool.

Máke Ráspberry Puree:
  1. In á sáucepán, combine ráspberries with ¼ cup wáter ánd bring to á simmer over medium-high heát. 
  2. Másh ráspberries to releáse their juices. Stráin through á fine mesh sieve ánd másh out ás much juice ás possible. Discárd ráspberry pulp. 
  3. Combine the ráspberry juice with the green teá.
Visit wifemamafoodie.com for full recipe.

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