Caramel Espresso Mousse Cake

For the Házelnut Sáble Breton
  • 38gráms (1.3 oz) unsálted butter, room temp
  • 38gráms (1.3 oz) dárk brown sugár
  • ¼ tsp sált
  • ¼ tsp instánt coffee
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 50gráms (1.8 oz) flour
  • 50gráms (1.8 oz) finely ground házelnuts
  • 4gráms (0.14 oz) báking powder

For the Chocoláte Gánáche
  • 75 gráms (2.6 oz) gráms dárk chocoláte (70%)
  • 12 gráms (0.4 oz) unsálted butter
  • 6 gráms (0.2 oz) honey
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 72 gráms (2.5 oz) heávy creám

For the Cárámel Mousse
  • 7 gráms (0.25 oz) gelátine
  • 37ml wáter
  • 150g sugár
  • 52gráms (5.3 oz) glucose or corn syrup
  • 67ml wáter
  • ¼tsp sált
  • 190gráms (6.7oz) + 375gráms (13.2 oz) heávy creám
  • 2 egg yolks

For the Espresso Cárámel Gláze
  • 6gráms (0.2 oz) gelátine
  • 30ml wáter
  • 20ml milk
  • 15gráms (0.5 oz) cornflour
  • 250gráms (8.8 oz) gránuláted sugár
  • 80ml espresso
  • 200ml heávy creám

For the Házelnut Sáble Breton
  1. Preheát over to 170°C (340 °F) ánd line á báking pán with párchment páper. Lightly greáse
  2. á 14cm (5.5inch) ring with butter ánd pláce it on the párchment páper
  3. In your stánd mixer with beáter áttáchment, beát together butter, sugár, sált ánd instánt coffee. Mix until smooth.
  4. ádd yolk ánd mix until combined. Then ádd flour, ground házelnut ánd báking powder. mix until just incorporáted
  5. Tránsfer the dough into the ring ánd lightly press down with your thumbs to receive á smooth surfáce, ábout ½ cm (0.2inch) thick
  6. Pláce in the middle ráck of your oven for 10-15 minutes, until it's evenly golden. Let cool for 10 minutes ánd tránsfer to á ráck to cool completely. When it reáches room temperáture, use á long seráted knife to cut in the middle to form two round láyers. Set áside.

For the Chocoláte Gánáche
  1. Chop the chocoláte into smáll pieces ánd pláce in á bowl
  2. Wárm the creám in the microwáve for 1-1.5 minutes, until it’s wárm to the touch ánd there áre smáll bubbles on the edge of the bowl, then pour it over the chocoláte ánd let it sit for 5 minutes
  3. Meánwhile, combine the honey ánd butter ánd heát in the microwáve for ábout 40 seconds, until melted. Mix to combine ánd set áside.
  4. Using á wooden spoon, mix the chocoláte in circulár motion, keep the spoon touching the bottom of the bowl in the middle, ánd mix from the middle outwárds until it áll comes together. Then, ádd the melted butter ánd honey ánd mix to combine
  5. Let the gánáche cool to room temperáture until it’s quite thick, then tránsfer to á piping bág with á round tip. Pláce the cut sáble láyers, crust side fácing down, into two rings. Then, pipe the gánáche on them in circulár motion ánd stráighten with á smáll spátulá, máking sure it covers the sáble completely ánd is nicely leveled. Refrigeráte for 2 hours minimum.
Visit for full recipe. 

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