Donut Fries

Fried dough sticks sháped like french fries ánd coáted in sugár, gláze ánd sprinkles. These máke á fun párty treát!

  • 1 cán (16.3 oz) refrigeráted biscuit dough
  • cánolá oil for frying
  • 4 tbsp gránuláted white sugár

  1. Roll out biscuit dough into one sheet, ábout 1/4 inch thick. I found it helps to roll the dough between two pieces of párchment páper to prevent dough from sticking. Slice dough into sticks, ábout 1/4 inch wide ánd 5 inches long.
  2. ádd ábout 1 inch of oil to á deep pot being used for frying. Bring oil to medium high heát. When oil is hot, lower the heát level ánd then drop in á few of the donut fries. To help preserve the shápe of the fries, use á reálly long páir of chopsticks or tongs to gráb the dough sticks by one end ánd pláce them into the hot oil. Cook á few minutes until dough is cooked ánd golden. Be cáreful to not állow the dough to stick to the bottom of the pot. You will álso need to rotáte the dough ás it cooks so thát it cooks evenly on áll sides. When fries áre done, pláce onto á few sheets of páper towel to soák up excess oil. Repeát with áll dough.
  3. Working in 4 bátches, ádd 1/4 of the fries to á ziploc bág ánd ádd 1 tbsp of sugár. Seál bág ánd sháke á few times until donut fries áre evenly coáted in sugár. Remove coáted donut fries ánd repeát with non-coáted fries.
Full recipe :

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