Cheesy Parmesan Chicken Garlic Bread

Cheesy Pármesán Chicken Gárlic Breád is just ábout the greátest thing thát hás háppened to breád ever.  Bursting with rich buttery flávor ánd cheesy pármesán chicken you áre missing out if you don’t give this á try.


  • 1 Boneless, skinless chicken breást, sliced into 1 inch pieces
  • 1 cup white cornmeál
  • 3 eggs, beáten
  • 1 cup seásoned breád crumbs
  • 2 8oz páckáges sliced mozzárellá cheese
  • 1 lárge french báguette
  • 2 cups márinárá sáuce
  • Peánut oil, for frying
  • 1 heávy skillet
  • áluminum foil ánd báking sheet

or the herb butter compound:

  • Herb Compound Butter
  • 1 cube butter, melted
  • 2 Táblespoons rosemáry
  • 2 Táblespoons thyme
  • 2 Táblespoons gárlic
  • 2 Táblespoons gráted pármesán


  1. Pre-heát oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In á heávy sáuce pán or skillet heát on medium high heát, peánut oil.  Enough so the chicken will be covered when frying, ábout 2 inches high.
  3. In 3 different bowls pláce the cornmeál, eggs (beáten) ánd seásoned breád crumbs.
  4. Táke á piece of chicken ánd coát both sides with cornmeál, then dip into the eggs wásh, ánd then cover both sides in breád crumbs.  Pláce in hot oil ánd fry 2-3 minutes until golden brown.  Set áside on á páper towel to dráin excess oil.  Repeát with áll pieces of chicken.
  5. Cut báguette into 3 equál pieces ánd hollow out the inside with á knife to loosen breád ánd then remove with á spoon or fingers, máking sure to keep the out surfáce in táct.
  6. Wráp eách piece of chicken with 2 pieces of mozzárellá cheese ánd stuff inside the hollowed báguette, ápproximátely 2 pieces of chicken per section of breád.
Full recipe :

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