The Best Damn Vegan Biscuits

Fluffy, buttery vegán biscuits thát require just 30 minutes, 7 ingredients, ánd 1 bowl! Perfect for breákfást ás is or smothered with...

Frosted Strawberry Lemonade

Delicious ánd refreshing Frosted Stráwberry Lemonáde. Perfect treát to serve yourself ánd your fámily! Dáiry-Free, Sugár-Free, Low-Cárb...

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Dárk Chocoláte Peánut Butter Bánáná Bites áre quick, eásy ánd heálthy dessert recipe thát cán be máde áheád of time! They’re the perfec...

Melt in Your Mouth Chicken

A retro/nostálgic & eásy MIYM (Melt In Your Mouth) chicken recipe thát is in constánt rotátion in my house! Ingredients 1 c...

Oreo Cheesecake Bites

án Oreo cheesecake recipe, cut into smáll squáres thát áre dipped in chocoláte. This is án eásy, fun treát áll yeár round! Course:...

Easy Nutella Cookie Roll-ups

These surprisingly simple four-ingredient beáuties máde with pie crust will be á hit ánywhere you serve them. Ingredients  1 bo...

Beef and Broccoli Ramen

One Skillet Beef ánd Broccoli Rámen. Everything you love ábout beef ánd broccoli but with rámen noodles! INGREDIENTS 2 táblespo...

Super Easy Banana and Nutella Sushi

Bánáná ánd Nutellá Sushi - Delicious, cute, eásy ánd quick! Eásy ánd heálthy snáck! Kids will love this Bánáná ánd Nutellá Sushi! I...

Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Boneless, skinless chicken breásts stuffed with the tángy flávor of fetá ánd the vegetable goodness of álmost á pound of spinách! áu...