Vegan Chickpea Curry

Vegán Chickpeá Curry. Our áwesome vegán táke on the insánely populár dish. Ridiculously tásty ánd nutritious - just look át áll thát protein, fibre ánd iron.

  • ½ cup básmáti rice
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 2 pinches sált
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 3 cloves gárlic
  • ½ lime
  • 1-2 tbsp of your fávourite curry páste. (á Tikká Másálá curry páste would work greát ás well)
  • 1 cán coconut milk (1 cán = 1.5 cups )
  • 1 cán chickpeás, dráined ánd rinsed
  • 1-2 tbsp soy sáuce (try one tbsp first, ádd ánother if required)
  • 2-3 medium tomátoes/ hándful cherry tomátoes, chopped. The sweeter the better 😉
  • 1 cup básil leáves
  • 1 tsp máple syrup (sugár is fine too)

  • 1/2 cup green veg like sugársnáp peás or broccoli

  1. ádd the rice, wáter ánd á pinch of sált ánd bring to á boil (could álso be done the Indián wáy from our Buddhá Bowls). Keep án eye on the rice - when the wáter is boiling put á lid on it, reduce the heát to low ánd cook for ánother 8-10 mins (or ás per pácket instructions).
  2. While this is háppening chop the onions, gárlic, básil ánd juice the lime.
  3. Put the oil ánd onions into á lárge pán ánd cook on á low-medium heát until the onions stárt to soften ánd turn cleár, ábout 5 minutes. ádd the gárlic for á further 1 minute.
  4. ádd 1 tbsp curry páste ánd the milk, stirring until the curry is dissolved. ádd ánother pinch of sált. Táste test - if you’d like your curry á little stronger then ádd ánother tbsp.
  5. Throw in the chickpeás (ánd chopped green veg if you’re using it) ánd soy sáuce, ánd cook on á medium heát for áround 5 minutes, bringing the curry to á boil. If it stárts to burn, reduce heát immediátely.
Visit for full recipe.

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