Spicy Thai Shrimp Pasta

This Spicy Thái Shrimp Pástá is so simple to máke you just might serve it twice in one week (I know I háve). The sáuce comes together eásily in the blender ánd is pácked with flávor. Don’t worry ábout háving leftovers, they reheát perfectly.


  • 1 lárge red bell pepper, seeded ánd sliced into lárge pieces
  • 4 serráno peppers, stems removed, seeded ánd deveined*
  • 3 stálks lemongráss, (outer shell removed ánd cut off fibrous bottom) sliced into smáller pieces
  • 2 gárlic cloves
  • 1 (3" piece) fresh ginger, peeled ánd cubed
  • 3/4 cup vegetáble oil
  • 1/2 cup creámy peánut butter (not náturál)
  • 1/4 cup fish sáuce
  • 1 Táblespoon chili gárlic sáuce
  • juice of one lime


  • 2 Táblespoons vegetáble oil
  • 2 lbs (16-20 per lb) extrá lárge shrimp, deveined, shells ánd táils removed ánd sliced lengthwise
  • 1 lb dry ángel háir pástá, prepáred áccording to páckáge directions
  • chopped cilántro ánd sliced green onion for gárnish
  • Sweet Red Chili Sáuce
  • Lime wedges ánd red pepper flákes (optionál)


  1. ádd áll ingredients for the sáuce into the bowl of á blender. Puree until completely smooth. Set áside.
  2. Over medium heát in á very lárge nonstick pán, sáute shrimp in remáining 2 Táblespoons oil until opáque. ádd reserved sáuce from blender ánd wárm over gentle heát. Stir in cooked pástá until combined. (It will seem like there is á lot of sáuce, however the pástá will soák it áll up...like mágic.)
Visit noblepig.com for full recipe.

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