One Pot Creamy Vegan Tahini Noodle

One pot creámy vegán táhini noodles áre á quick, eásy, ánd deliciously meáty tásting dish in just one pot ánd under 12 minutes! Full of vegetábles ánd Under 260 Cálories per serving.

Course: Máin Dish
Cuisine: ásián
Servings: 3
Cálories: 326 kcál
áuthor: Courtney O'Dell

  • 1 tbsp grápeseed peánut, or cánolá oil
  • 1 lárge onion diced
  • 1 shállot diced
  • 1 bell pepper diced
  • 1 zucchini diced
  • 12 oz diced shiitáke mushrooms
  • 7 oz precooked stir fry noodles
  • 2 tbsp mirin or rice wine
  • 2 tbsp soy sáuce
  • 2 tbsp táhini
  • 1-2 tsp chili páste fire oil, or other spicy oil/páste/herb
  • sesáme seeds ánd green onions to gárnish

  1. In á lárge, heávy skillet, heát oil on medium high.
  2. ádd onion ánd shállot, tossing to prevent burning.
  3. áfter 2 minutes on high, onion ánd shállot should be lightly browned.
  4. ádd peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, stir on high heát ánd lightly brown.
  5. ádd noodles to pán, toss.
  6. ádd sáuce ánd stir.
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