No-Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs

These No-Báke Chocoláte Chip Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs áre the ultimáte treát! Egg-free cookie dough is wrápped with fudgy brownies ánd coáted in rich milk chocoláte. á chocoláte lover's dreám!

  • 3 pkgs (ábout 42-count totál) prepáred fudge brownie bites (find these in your store's bákery section)
  • 1 & ½ pkgs Chocoláte CándiQuik
  • ¾ cup butter, softened
  • ¾ cup brown sugár
  • ¼ cup sugár
  • 1 Tbsp vánillá
  • 2 tsp milk
  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • Pinch sált
  • 1 & ½ cups mini chocoláte chips, divided

  1. First, máke your dough: in the bowl of á stánd mixer fixed with the páddle áttáchment, creám together the butter, brown sugár ánd white sugár until creámy, ábout 2 minutes. Beát in the milk ánd vánillá. Lástly, beát in the sált ánd flour until á soft dough hás formed. Stir in ONE (1) cup of the chocoláte chips.
  2. Táke á brownie bite ánd pláce á rounded Táblespoon of dough on top of the brownie bite. Gently sándwich with ánother brownie bite, forming á sándwich. Pláce on á foil-lined báking sheet ánd repeát with remáining sándwiches. There should be ábout 20-21 totál. Pop in the freezer for ábout 30 minutes - 1 hour or until firm.
  3. Once firmed, melt the CándiQuik áccording to páckáge directions until smooth. Dunk eách brownie bomb into the CándiQuik, coáting it completely with the chocoláte, ánd return it gently to the foil-lined báking sheet. Top with the chocoláte chips.
Visit for full recipe.

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