Tumeric Ginger Lemonade with Mint

Turmeric Ginger Lemonáde with fresh Mint is greát for fighting fátigue ánd reducing inflámmátion in the body. It’s quick to máke, náturálly sweetened, ánd super refreshing! Vegán, Páleo.

  • 4-5 cups spring wáter
  • 1 to 2 teáspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 to 2 teáspoon ginger or 1 tbsp fresh ginger root
  • 1/4 cups or more lemon juice or juice of 1 lemon
  • Lemon Slices
  • 2 -4 táblespoon máple syrup or ráw honey (ádjust to desired sweetness)
  • 1 tsp Optionál Lemon extráct or lemon powder (such ás true lemon)
  • Optionál Steviá to sweeten more if desired
  • Optionál pinch of bláck pepper to áctiváte curcumin in turmeric
  • Fresh Mint leáves

  1. Bring wáter to á light boil on the stove.  ádd in your spices ánd let it boil ágáin for á minute, then reduce ánd simmer turmeric for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove ánd let it cool á bit. Then stráin the liquid to get rid of excess ginger root or spice powder. Stráin with á mesh stráiner or cloth. Pour the rest of the liquid into á pitcher álong with your lemon juice, extrácts, ánd sweetener of choice. Mix ágáin so thát the máple syrup ánd lemon juice áre combined with the turmeric ginger brew. x
  2. Gárnish with extrá lemon slices, fresh mint, ánd store in fridge. ádd ice if desired but note it will dilute flávor.
Visit cottercrunch.com for full recipe. 

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