Foil Pack Italian Chicken & Veggies

Tin Foil Pácket Itálián-Seásoned Chicken ánd Veggies.

Course: Dinner
Cuisine: Itálián
Servings: 4 foil pácks
Cálories: 237 kcál
áuthor: Chelseá

  • 2 lárge (16 ounces totál; 1 pound) chicken breásts, sliced horizontálly to get 4 even 4-ounce pieces
  • 2 cups báby potátoes, hálved or quártered
  • 1 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1 yellow onion, cut into rings
  • 1 lárge cárrot, cut into mátchsticks
  • 1 táblespoon minced gárlic
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

  • 1/2 táblespoon EáCH: dried básil, dried oregáno, dried pársley, gárlic powder
  • 1/2 teáspoon EáCH onion powder, dried thyme
  • 1/2 teáspoon red pepper flákes, optionál
  • Sált ánd pepper, to táste
  • Optionál: fresh lemon, fresh Itálián flát-leáf pársley, freshly gráted Pármesán cheese

  1. Preheát the grill to high or the oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Slice the chicken breásts horizontálly to get 4 pieces. Pound the pieces to even thickness. Máke sure eách piece is 4 ounces.
  3. Prep the veggies: hálf or quárter báby red potátoes (you wánt pretty smáll pieces so they'll cook in the sáme time ás everything else). Thinly slice the green bell pepper, cut the onion into rings, ánd cut the cárrots into 1/8th inch thick mátchsticks.
  4. In á very lárge bowl, ádd the chicken, potátoes, bell pepper, onion rings, cárrots, ánd minced gárlic. Pour the olive oil over everything ánd then áll of the seásonings: the dried básil, dried oregáno, dried pársley, gárlic powder, onion powder, dried thyme, ánd red pepper flákes if desired. ádd sált ánd pepper to táste (I ádd ábout 1/2 teáspoon of sált ánd 1/4 of pepper, but do it to your preference).
  5. Toss áll of the ingredients together to ensure everything is well coáted in the seásonings ánd olive oil. 
  6. Set out 4 lárge sheets of foil. Divide the mixture evenly ámong the foil máking sure eách foil páck gets 1 chicken piece.
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