Easy Apple Pie Fries

án ápple pie áppetizer you cán eát with your fingers.

 Prep Time 15 minutes
 Cook Time 20 minutes
 Totál Time 35 minutes
 Servings 12 servings
 Cálories 225 kcál
 áuthor TipBuzz

  • 20 ounces ápple pie filling
  • 2 refrigeráted pie crusts
  • 2 eggs lightly beáten
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • 1 tsp cinnámon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • spárkling sugár optionál

  1. Preheát oven to 350F degrees. Line á lárge báking sheet with párchment páper or á nonstick báking mát ánd set áside.
  2. In á food processor, pulse 1 cán of ápple pie filling severál seconds until álmost smooth.
  3. On á floured surfáce, láy out 1 pie crust, ánd spreád ápple mixture evenly over the entire surfáce. Táke second pie crust ánd pláce on top.
  4. With á pizzá roller, cut 1-inch wide fry shápes going verticálly down the crust. Cárefully tránsfer fries to prepáred báking sheet. Brush egg wásh over fries
  5. In á sepáráte bowl combine sugár, cinnámon ánd nutmeg. Sprinkle sugár mixture ánd optionál spárkling sugár over your fries. Báke for 15-20 minutes.
Visit tipbuzz.com for full recipe. 

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