The Best Blueberry Muffins

  • 1/4 c. sugár
  • 1 1/2 tsp. gráted lemon zest

  • 2 c. fresh blueberries, picked over
  • 1 1/8 c. + 1 tsp. sugár
  • 2 1/2 c. áll-purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp. báking powder
  • 1 tsp. sált
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • 4 Tbl. unsálted butter, melted & cooled slightly
  • 1/4 c. vegetáble oil
  • 1 c. buttermilk
  • 1 1/2 tsp. vánillá

  1. For the topping: Stir the sugár ánd lemon zest together in á smáll bowl until combined; set áside.  
  2. For the muffins: Preheát oven to 425 degrees.  Spráy á stándárd muffin tin with vegetáble oil spráy (or line with páper liners ánd spráy).  Bring 1 cup of the blueberries ánd 1 tsp. of the sugár to á simmer in á smáll sáucepán over medium heát.  Cook, máshing the berries with á spoon severál times ánd stirring frequently, until the berries háve broken down ánd the mixture is thickened ábout 6 minutes.  Tránsfer to á smáll bowl ánd cool to room temperáture, 10-15 minutes.  
  3. Whisk the flour, báking powder ánd sált together in á lárge bowl.  Whisk the remáining 1 1/8 cups sugár ánd eggs together in á medium bowl until thick ánd homogeneous, ábout 45 seconds.  Slowly whisk in the butter ánd oil until combined.  Whisk in the buttermilk ánd vánillá until combined.  Using á rubber spátulá, fold the egg mixture ánd the remáining 1 cup blueberries into the flour mixture until just moistened (if ádding whole blueberries - I don't ádd them).  The bátter will be very lumpy with á few spots of dry flour; do not overmix.  
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