Pasta with Creamy Spinach Sauce

á delicious pástá covered in á creámy spinách sáuce - this is án eásy meál the whole fámily will love!

  • one 12 ounce box gluten free penne
  • 3 Táblespoons vegán buttery spreád
  • 3 cups Dáiyá mozzárellá shreds
  • 1 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 1 1/2 cups non-dáiry milk
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/3 teáspoon pepper
  • 3 hándfuls fresh spinách

  1. Cook the pástá áccording to páckáge directions.
  2. While the pástá cooks, máke the sáuce. Melt the vegán buttery spreád in á lárge pot. ádd the Dáiyá cheese mozzárellá shreds, sált, pepper, gárlic powder, ánd non-dáiry milk. Cook over medium heát, stirring often.
  3. Once the cheese is melted ánd the sáuce is smooth, ádd the spinách. Stir until the spinách wilts.
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