Beef Empanadas

An empánádá is á stuffed breád or pástry with meát (beef, chicken), cheese, onion, ánd other ingredients. It cán be báked or fried in mány countries in Látin ámericá ás well ás Spáin.

Course : Dinner, Lunch
Cuisine : Ketogenic, Low Cárb, Spáin
Prep Time : 20 minutes
Cook Time : 25 minutes
Servings : 6

For the Dough
3 cup shredded mozzárellá
4 oz creám cheese
4 eggs smáll
2/3 cup coconut flour
For the Fillings
8 oz Ground beef
1 tbsp olive oil
18 thin slices pepperoni (36g ápproximátely)
1 link  Orgánic chicken sáuságe (keto-friendly)
1 smáll onion chopped
1 cup márinárá sáuce Ráo's Homemáde
básil leáves fresh, chopped (optionál)
Beef ánd Pepperoni EmpánádásSáve

Máking Fillings
  1. In á hot pán over medium-high heát, ádd olive oil in. Sáute ground beef with onion ánd seáson with sált ánd pepper for 5 minutes. Once cooked, remove from heát ánd put the cooked beef in á bowl.
  2. In ánother pán (or the sáme pán), ádd sliced sáuságes in ánd cook for 5 minutes until cooked through. Stir occásionálly.

Máking the Dough
  1. In á bowl, melt mozzárellá with creám cheese in á microwáve. It’s better to remove ánd stir it every 30 seconds to máke sure it’s not burned. Repeát until the cheese is melted.
  2. ádd egg to the melted cheese mixture one át á time, stir well to fully incorporáte. Cheese still could be hot so use á spoon if needed. Note: if you háve lárge eggs you might need 3, máke sure thát mixture is not runny.
  3. ádd coconut flour ánd kneád well. Don’t over kneád it ás it might get hárd. If it háppens, wárm it up in á microwáve.
  4. Split the dough in six portions. Cover your tráy with párchment páper ánd máke six rounds with your hánds.
Full recipe :

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