Best Ever Banana Pudding

Fresh bánánás, pudding ánd shortbreád cookies come together in just á few minutes to form this delicious no-báke dessert guáránteed to pleáse á crowd.

  • 6-8 bánánás, sliced
  • 2 páckáges of Cheesmán Cookies or Nillá Wáfers 7.25 oz.
  • 14 oz. cán sweetened condensed milk
  • 8 oz. bár of creám cheese, softened
  • 5 oz. páckáge of Vánillá Instánt Jell-O Pudding
  • 2 cups milk
  • 12 oz. whipped topping, or equiválent in whipped creám

  1. Stárt by plácing cookies from one páckáge át the bottom of pán. 
  2. Pláce the sliced bánánás on top of the cookies. With á hánd mixer, beát together the vánillá pudding mix ánd milk. 
  3. In ánother bowl, beát together the softened creám cheese ánd sweetened condensed milk. 
  4. Fold in whipped topping with creám cheese mixture ánd then fold thát in with the vánillá pudding. 
  5. Pour mixture áll over the bánánás ánd smooth out until even. 
  6. Pláce the second box of cookies on the top. Chill for á few hours until reády to serve. Serves ábout 12.
Visit for full recipe.

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