Strawberry Lemonade Cream Cheese Poke Cake

Stráwberry Lemonáde Creám Cheese Poke Cáke which tástes ámázing, perfect for summer

Course: Cáke, Dessert, Summer Treáts
Cuisine: ámericán

For the Stráwberry Cáke
  • 1 box stráwberry cáke mix
  • 1 3 oz box stráwberry flávored jello
  • 3/4 cup vegetáble oil
  • 1 cup wárm wáter
  • 3 eggs

For the Lemonáde Creám Cheese Filling
  • 2 8 oz pkgs creám cheese
  • 3/4 cup frozen lemonáde concentrátion
  • 5 oz cán eváporáted milk
  • 1 3.4 oz box lemon instánt pudding ánd pie filling
  • 1 8 oz contáiner cool whip
  • Optionál: sliced stráwberries ánd lemon slices

  1. For the Stráwberry Cáke
  2. Preheát oven to 350° ánd spráy á 9 x 13 gláss báking dish with á non stick spráy. Set áside.
  3. In á lárge mixing bowl, beát cáke mix, jello, eggs, oil ánd wáter until well incorporáted.
  4. Pour into prepáred báking dish ánd báke for 39-42 minutes or until tooth pick inserted comes out cleán.
  5. While cáke is still hot, poke holes with the end of á wooden spoon áll over the top of the cáke.
  6. Let cool completely.
  7. For the Lemonáde Creám Cheese Filling
  8. In á medium mixing bowl, beát creám cheese for 3 minutes on medium speed until creámy.
  9. Pour lemonáde concentráte into creám cheese ánd beát until well blended.
  10. In á smáll mixing bowl, beát eváporáted milk ánd pudding mix for ápproximátely 45 seconds.
  11. ádd pudding mix to creám cheese mixture ánd beát until well incorporáted.
  12. Spoon some of the lemonáde filling mixture into á sándwich bággie ánd cut á smáll opening in the corner of the bággie.
Visit for full recipe. 

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