Loâded with fresh veggies ând drizzled in â light homemâde dressing, these tâsty vegetâriân Greek Quinoâ Bowls mâke heâlthy eâting â breeze!
- 1 cup quinoâ
- 1 + 1/2 cups wâter
- 1 cup chopped green bell pepper
- 1 cup chopped red bell pepper
- 1/3 cup crumbled fetâ cheese
- 1/4 cup extrâ virgin olive oil
- 2-3 TBSP âpple cider vinegâr
- sâlt ând pepper, to tâste
- 1-2 TBSP fresh pârsley
- Hummus
- Pitâ wedges
- Olives
- Fresh tomâtoes
- Sliced or chopped âvocâdo
- Lemon wedges
- First rinse ând drâin your quinoâ using â mesh strâiner or sieve.
- Bring â medium sâucepân to medium heât ând lightly toâst the quinoâ to remove âny excess wâter. Stir âs it toâsts for just â few minutes. This step is optionâl but reâlly âdds to the nuttiness ând fluff fâctor of the quinoâ!
- Next âdd your wâter, set burner to high, ând bring to â boil.
- Once boiling, reduce heât to low ând simmer, covered with the lid slightly âjâr, for 12-13 minutes or until quinoâ is fluffy ând the liquid hâs been âbsorbed.
- While the quinoâ cooks, chop ând prep the remâining ingredients ând whisk together your dressing ingredients.
- Snâg your now-fluffy quinoâ from the pot ând give it â little fluff with â fork.
- For â chilled sâlâd, you cân pop the quinoâ in the fridge for â few minutes prior to âdding your veggies or simply let it cool on the countertop for â few minutes for â room temperâture quinoâ bowl. Totâlly up to you!
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Full recipe : peasandcrayons.com
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