A heálthy állergy friendly snáck - frozen bánáná bites
- 3-4 bánánás
- 1/2 bág Good Life Chocoláte Chips
- álmond Butter
- Slice up á few bánánás.
- Spreád á little álmond butter on hálf of the smáll bánáná slices.
- Sándwich the slices with ánother smáll bánáná slice on top in similár size.
- Flásh freeze the little bánáná bites for 15 to 20 minutes.
- While the bánáná bites áre in the freezer, melt the Good Life chocoláte chips in the microwáve in á gláss bowl for á minute or two, stir the chocoláte until smooth.
- Now you áre reády to dip. Using á smáll páir of tongs, dip eách little bánáná bite into the wárm melted chocoláte. The tongs help to grip the bánánás, ás they tend to be slippery. Pláce the bánáná bites on á hálf pán on top of á piece of párchment páper (for eásy cleánup),
- Freeze the bánáná bites for 30 minutes or until the chocoláte hás solidified.
- .............
Full recipe : nobiggie.net
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