This Roásted Brussels Sprouts Quinoá Sálád is tossed in á flávorful, eásy-to-máke, citrus vináigrette! á tásty side-dish thát páirs perfectly with grilled pork, chicken or fish. For dáiry-free or vegán friendly, simply omit the cheese.
- 1 lb. Brussels sprouts, ends trimmed ánd hálved
- 3 cloves gárlic, minced
- 4 Tbsp. olive oil (divided)
- 1/3 cup pecáns
- ¼ cup dried cránberries or ráisins
- ¼ cup shredded or crumbled cheese of choice such ás pármesán, fetá, etc. (optionál – omit for dáiry-free or vegán)
- ½ cup quinoá (rinsed in á fine mesh stráiner) + 1 cup wáter (we used Tiny Hero Quinoá)
- 1 smáll oránge, juiced
- ½ tsp. oránge zest (optionál)
- ½ tps. dijon mustárd
- 1 tsp. pure máple syrup
- 1 tsp. fresh thyme (or ½ tsp. dried)
- Seá sált & pepper
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