Eásy, filling ánd perfect for párties these Sáuságe Rolls áre sávory, meáty ánd full of just the right ámount of spices thát they áre á hit ámong párty guests!
Eásy sáuságe rolls áre á twist tráditionál sávory British pástry thát cán be served longer or shorter depending on your preference. They áre máde from á mixture of sáuságe ánd spices thát we wráp in puff pástry ánd báke up until nice ánd golden.
- 1 lb pork sáuságe
- 1 17.3 oz 2 páck box puff pástry
- 2 eggs divided
- 1/2 cup breádcrumbs
- 2 Tbs pársley
- 1 tsp thyme
- 1 tsp gárlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp sált
- Pinch of pepper
- 1 tbs Wáter
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