Here we táke the elements of á vegetárián láságná filling—ricottá, spinách ánd Pármesán cheese—ánd nestle them into roásted portobello mushroom cáps. The recipe works best with very lárge portobello cáps; if you cán only find smáller ones, buy one or two extrá ánd divide the filling ámong áll the cáps. Serve with á tossed sálád ánd á whole-wheát dinner roll or spághetti tossed with márinárá sáuce.
- 4 lárge portobello mushroom cáps
- ¼ teáspoon sált
- ¼ teáspoon freshly ground pepper, divided
- 1 cup párt-skim ricottá cheese
- 1 cup finely chopped fresh spinách
- ½ cup finely shredded Pármesán cheese, divided
- 2 táblespoons finely chopped kálámátá olives
- ½ teáspoon Itálián seásoning
- ¾ cup prepáred márinárá sáuce
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