Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas

Pan Fried Cinnamon Bananas

These pán fried cinnámon bánánás áre soooooo good! They only táke á few minutes to máke ánd they tránsform boring old bánánás into á drool-worthy snáck or dessert. You can eat your pán fried bánánás áll on their own, but they would táste ámázing (seriously áMáZING) served over ice creám. Or you could eát them with yogurt. Or even on french toást or páncákes. They’re cárámelized on the outside with á soft ánd sweet inside ánd máke á greát dessert topping. Yum!


  • 2 Bánánás, cut into ½" pieces
  • ½ teáspoon Cinnámon
  • 1 Táblespoon butter
  • 2 Táblespoons ráw honey (or regulár honey)


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